Monday, September 26, 2011

Guest Post Today...

... over at Tabitha Blake's Nocturnal Nights! It's the 26th of the month, and time for my monthly guest slot over there as Agony Zee!

Drop by and check out the query I am answering this week. Here's the question...

Dear Agony Zee,

I started writing a few years ago. I love the thrill of putting words down and creating my world filled with all those terrific people I get to invent.

I got to the point where I couldn't keep this part of my life bottled up, and so I have come out, so to speak, with my intellectual inclination.

Unfortunately, I wasn't met by the accolades I was expecting to receive. I mean, all I asked for was some support, not for people's eyes to glaze over and then they'd all pat me on the head with a half-smile, the kind people reserve for over-imaginative children or that old aunt who's not quite right in her head.

Can I prove them wrong? I don't want to sound petty or mean, but they do get to me sometimes. Any words of advice?


I am a writer!

Come on over to read the answer!

From Mauritius with love,


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